Updates from the Secretary
By Frank Kelly, Secretary
Contract Update

There are many rumors floating around the Department regarding contract negotiations. Believe me, they are just rumors. The only place I’ve heard “arbitration” mentioned is in the Fire Stations. We are not at an impasse. There are several issues still under discussion, but we are progressing.


To all recent retirees, I would like to wish you a long and happy retirement. However there are two individuals I would like to offer my personal thanks: Division Chief Hank Smith and Lt. Mike Lewis.

Paramedic Survey Update

In response to our survey, 20% of Local 798’s paramedics who responded wish to remain single function paramedics. Twelve percent indicated their preference for a 12-hour work schedule, while 8% preferred a 24 hour shift.

On August 9, 2001, Local 798 will be meeting with Chief Trevino regarding the ALS Engine and 1/1 Ambulance proposal. We hope that these statistics will persuade CD1 and the Administration that single function dynamically deployed ambulances are a viable and useful tool to the solution.


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