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San Francisco Fire Fighters Local 798
Softball League 2002 |
1. Teams to submit roster, NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) PLAYERS, with $20 entry fee. MUST be in by February 12, 2002, Watch B. Submit only the names of those who will play - not the house roster. Please indicate two people that can be contacted regarding any changes. ONE FORFEIT and team will be dropped from League for remainder of season. If you do not feel that you can participate FULLY do not send in a roster. PLEASE NOTE : Some houses may not be able to combine, as in the past, due to the personnel involved - The League depends on the number of teams - if not enough teams - there will not be a SOFTBALL SEASON... 2. Any house or member of said house, which has past due fines or is not in full Union membership will not be accepted. If one or more names appear on the roster that is not in good standing THE ROSTER WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. All fines and/or Union assessments MUST BE PAID. (Members who are assigned to stations who owe fines may not play for another station until said fines from their stations have been paid in full). All must be Local 798 members. Station 3 - $20 PD Station 15 - $20 PD Station 5 - $20 Station 17 - $80 3. All regular members and members who are in a spot and that house has a team as of February 12 will play for that house. No exceptions regardless of where they played in the past. Any member who wishes to play, but that house, as of February 12 does not have a team will be placed by the Commissioner. No exceptions. 4. In order to help speed up the game, so the gardener does not have to wait so long to reduce the infield, the second game is to take infield, no hits, and get the game started. A. ELIGIBILE 1. Any permanently assigned or unassigned member to a house entered as of February 12th. 2. Players names to appear on ONE roster only. 3. No double house to combine with any other house or have players other than their own members, assigned or unassigned as of February 12. 4. Single engine Companies may combine with ONE single engine in their district - with prior permission from the Commissioner. 5. Players whose house have no team or not combined with one other house, will be placed by Commissioner. 6. Sixteen (16) teams will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. All others will be combined or dropped. B. FORFEITS 1. No team or teams allowed to cancel any games for any reason without prior permission from the commissioner, otherwise it will be considered a forfeit ($20) and no Umpire ($20) for the teams involved. 2. A $20 entry fee to accompany roster. In case of a forfeit, another $10 against each team will be levied by the Commissioner (Total fine $20 unless canceled by the Commissioner). 3. Players whose names appear on the roster are the only ones allowed to play. 4. Nine players to start or continue game. A full team of ten players. 5. Games can only he delayed 15 minutes. C. DEFINITIONS 1. PITCH - Slow-Pitch Ball must are at least 3 feet from where it leaves pitchers hand to a maximum of ten feet, highest point to ground. 2. PLAYERS - 10 or 9. 3. INNING - 9 or 7 innings to be decided by both teams and umpires prior to start of the game. 4. DISTANCE - Bases 65 feet; pitchers mound 45 feet. 5. LEADING - Only after ball crosses plate or is hit. 6. STEALING or BUNTING - Not allowed. 7. SUBSTITUTIONS - Must play at least ONE FULL INNING and BAT AT LEAST ONCE. 8. BALLS and STRIKES - To be called by Umpires AFTER TWO STRIKES, ONE FOUL BALL IS ALLOWED, AFTER THE SECOND FOUL THE BATTER IS OUT. San Francisco Fire Fighters Local 798 Softball League 2002 D. UMPIRES 1. Each park has a 9 a.m. and I I a.m. game. Each team playing the 11 a.m. game shall furnish one man to umpire the 9 a.m. game and vice versa. Teams who fail to supply any umpire, FOR ANY REASON, will be charged $10 for each game. The Umpire must be someone who knows the Basic rules of SLO-PITCH. 2. Umpires not to change positions, behind the plate or bases, after the start of the 6th inning. RULES 1. Ground rules to be decided by Umpire prior to each game. 2. If a pitched ball hits a batter, the play will be called a BALL. 3. Everyone who appears at a game whose name is on the roster MUST BE ALLOWED TO PLAY AT LEAST ONE INNING, if so requested. 4. Swing men, or occasional floaters attached to two or more companies may choose which company play for, with Commissioners prior permission. 5. Umpires to call in scores to 3 Engine after each game. 6. A tentative date of March 12th will start our 2002 Season. 7. Each team to supply a new ball each game (no rubber covered or restricted flight balls allowed). It will be necessary for each team to provide their own bases. 8. STRIKE ZONE - The pitched ball must arc at least 3 feet from the point at which it leaves the pitchers hand to a maximum of ten feet (highest point of arc). 9. The Commissioner (rainout, etc) will schedule all games. Not individual teams. 10. Any team or teams that cancel or reschedule without the Commissioners permission will automatically be considered a loss for both teams. Any team that forfeits one Game will automatically be dropped from the League and all monies due must be paid. Questions: Call Al Gughemetti - Treasure Island (415) 391-0250 Send roster and money to: Steve Engler SFFD, Station 3 1067 Post Street San Francisco, CA 94109 |