Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As firefighters, we have passion. We have passion for our City, and for its citizens and their needs. We are passionate about our love for the City and thats why we put Proposition F on the ballot. To have entire neighborhoods void of fire and medical attention is absolutely wrong. To ensure your safety, your familys safety and the safety of your friends and neighbors, we need to keep each and every firehouse open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year. WE NEED YOU, each and every one of you, to volunteer to help get the word out. The Election is November 8th. We need you to go out into the neighborhoods, pass out literature, and hang signs. Give your kids a handful of wristbands to give to their friends at school, and have your family hand out our YES ON F buttons. Have your parents and their friends put a YES ON F poster in their window, or in their neighborhood grocery store. Just get the information out there. We will win this with the citizens help, but they need to know what were fighting
for, and YOU can provide them with that information. Its up to us to overwhelm them with the positive nature of this ballot measure.
Make no mistake about it, our opponents are out there. Take the recent article that appeared in our own San Francisco Chronicle on 9/21 on Page 1. Like many of you, I was surprised by comments made that insinuated the SFFD has an inadequate water supply in the event of an emergency. First of all, I thought it must have been another Dallas Jones, not our own Secretary-Treasurer which adds insult to injury. Who knew that while in the fight of our lives where we have no retreat, no surrender, one of our own is moonlighting as the Senior Public Safety Advisor for an out of state emergency relief management organization. Numerous concerns have been raised as to the ethics and or good policy (or lack thereof) of having one of our own speaks out against us. Thats it, pure and simple. An executive officer is out of the state pursuing interests other than California Firefighters main goal right now which is to DEFEAT PROPOSITION 75. Proposition 75 will restrict and handcuff the way we do business. When were at the bargaining table, fighting for your benefits, and swinging from the hip, we need all the support we can get without being restrained by state laws which are needless and unnecessary.
VOTE NO on 75