Mayor Brown could certainly be portrayed as General Custer in
the recent district election for supervisor. But the good mayor
has been around a long time and understands the political game
as well as anyone. He has lost many allies on the Board of Supervisors,
but dont count him out just yet. To quote Eric Hoffer, this
citys beloved longshoreman and philosopher of my youth - The
only way to predict the future is to have the power to shape the
future. The battle for that power, the future of San Francisco
has just begun. Cast your eyes no further than City Hall if you
enjoy a good political fight. A lesson in city politics is about
to take place as the new San Francisco faces off with the old
San Franciscan in a tug of war over the citys future.
EMS Update:
It appears out brothers and sisters in LA have won a major victory
with regard to their EMS Program. The Department has been trying
to implement 1 + 1 ambulances there for several years. However
common sense has prevailed. Patient care is not going to suffer
because of budget restraints. LA is now committed to hiring another
two hundred paramedics. The plan is to hire 100 new paramedics
on a temporary basis. (Considered by Department insiders as a
band aid approach). But where are they going to get 200 new fire
fighter/paramedics? There seems to be a shortage throughout California.
When are the responsible parties, who gave birth to these mergers
going to be held accountable? Before we jump from the frying
pan into the fire let us take a look at our program. A New Year
has begun. A new approach is needed. The firefighters and firefighter/paramedics
in the field need to voice their opinions. The EMS Division of
the SFFD needs to listen. |